Optimization of triangular well pattern considering geological and development constraints
发布时间: 2023-01-21  浏览次数: 16


 In the process of oil and gas field development,a variety of factors can have a great effect on oil recovery. Apart from the geological factors such as permeability distribution,reservoir boundaries,faults and fractures,the production factors,such as the constraints of well location and spacing,well structure and the balance of injection and production are also very important to oil recovery. In this paper,based on the theory of Delaunay and the Voronoi graph,an improved Delaunay triangulation method was used,in which a triangulated well pattern can be constructed under the constraints of fault,production and injection wells to restrain not only injection wells but also production wells. In using an optimization method of PSO,vector well pattern can be further optimized. Well pattern can be adjusted according to the geological conditions and the distribution of oil and water,in terms of unit pattern size and well orientation,to achieve better well pattern optimization. Meanwhile,in consideration of permeability anisotropy,adjusting the locations of injection wells can obtain better oil recovery effect. Keywords: triangle well pattern; vector well pattern; particle swarm optimization; well pattern optimization

Keywords:: triangle well pattern; vector well pattern; particle swarm optimization; well pattern optimization

版权所有:@ The Zhang Group